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Frequently asked questions

What could be the benefits of massage?

Massage assists in releasing muscle pain and tension. Massage helps your muscle to get relaxed, as there is more blood circulation. Massage is capable of promoting faster healing of injured tissues or muscles. Bodywork and massage promote better sleep, people have more focus and concentration because of reduced anxiety.

Can we have a massage therapy while menstruating, is it ok?

Some uncomfortable symptoms caused by menses can be relieved ad alleviate by massage therapy. Pain can be eased with a gentle massage on the belly.

Is there any specific time when I should not have a massage?

Massage is not advised in fever flu, cold, or if someone has a skin infection. However, approval from the physician is mandatory.

Under what conditions bodywork or massage is inadvisable?

Usually, a massage provider asks general health questions before a massage session as it gives the practitioner the insight into health problem you have and the medication you are taking. Massage is not advised if you have blood clots, contagious disease, cancer, or inflammation.

Should I get a massage regularly?

it totally depends on the person because some people need regular relaxation and some people need it once a month. We recommend that when you start your massage journey you should visit frequently, but you must taper down to a maintained schedule.

Do I need to undressed completely?

you just have to undress at the level where you feel comfortable. For full body massage client get completely undressed, and sometimes underwear is on. The massage therapist will work around the cloths you leave on.

Can I eat before or after the massage?

Its your personal decision that you want to eat something before or after the massage. However, we suggest that not to have meal but it’s not mandatory.

Can I be able to choose massage therapist for the massage?

Yes, you can choose your favorite massage therapist and for this we recommend to get the appointment first. You need to contact us for the availability of the slot.

What products are used in massage?

We use professional cremes, oils, and lotions by BIOTONE. Every massage therapist have their preferences and they use these products according to their requirements.

Can I talk during massage?

Yes, you can talk. But therapist discourage not to talk because massage is all about relaxing and enjoying. You should let your mind float.